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Sickle Fern (Pellaea falcata) 4in

Regular price $10.00 USD
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Potting mix: Well-draining soil/peat and perlite mix. Prefers a somewhat water-retentive mix of mostly soil and organic matter. Repot in Spring every 1-2 years.

Light: Bright indirect-medium light. Shielded South or West facing preferred.

Water: Water when near dry (1 inch of the soil is close to dry). Somewhat resilient to drying out (will bounce back). Ok with bottom watering. 

Temp: Warm (50F min night, 85F max day). 

Humidity: 30-70%. Not picky as long as they are well-watered. 

Fertilizing: Slow release fertilizer (Osmocote recommended) applied at the beginning of Spring. Alternatively, 1/4 strength soluble 20-20-20 fertilizer applied monthly during active growth. Decrease in Winter.