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Psygmorchis pusilla (mount)

Regular price $40.00 USD
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In spike/bloom (6/28/24)

Psygmorchis pusilla (Erycina pusilla) is a must have mini orchid from Central and South America with a flattened appearance and gold dancing lady flowers that last around a month. Grows great mounted, stays extremely small so it's a great candidate for terrariums. Loves hot, humid conditions and a wet-dry cycle (but doesn't want to stay dry - water frequently). 

Blooming size mounted plant that may vary from pictured. Unless stated it will not arrive in bloom. 3 sizes, all blooming size.



Potting mix: Fine bark or medium bark+perlite mix. Mounted with moss or bare root. Repot in Spring every 2 years if potted.

Light: Bright indirect - medium light. Shielded South or West facing preferred for largest bloom display. North or East facing tolerated. Protect leaves from direct sun exposure. 

Water: Water frequently in hot months when media is dry. Do not allow to stay dry for long periods. Decrease in cold months, allowing to dry between waterings.

Temp: Warm-hot (60F min night, 90F max day).

Humidity: 60-80%.

Fertilizing: 1/4 strength urea-free fertilizer, every other watering as new roots and leaves emerge. Flush the pot with water once monthly to remove mineral build up. Decrease to monthly or stop in Winter. 

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