Hoya curtisii
Hoyas are popular, low-maintenance trailing houseplants. Known for their waxy leaves and fragrant star-shaped flower clusters, these are some of the easiest and most forgiving plants. Hoya curtisii is a cute species with small, pointed leaves with speckled variegation. Thinner leaves mean this Hoya requires more water than its thicker-leaf relatives.
(Plant pictured is a 6in potted version of the plant you will receive)
Potting mix: Well-draining grainy cactus/succulent mix. Repot in Spring every 1-2 years or when root bound. Prefers to be root bound to flower.
Light: Bright indirect light. South or shielded West facing preferred. Will tolerate East morning light as well.
Water: Water thoroughly when dry (1-2 inches of the soil is dry). Will tolerate drought.
Temp: Warm (60F min night, 85F max day). Keep above 50F.
Humidity: 30-70%. Not picky, but will appreciate higher humidity.
Fertilizing: Slow release fertilizer (Osmocote recommended) applied at the beginning of Spring. Alternatively, full strength soluble 20-20-20 fertilizer applied monthly during active growth. Decrease in Winter.