Dracula Gerardo Guachisaca (gigas x lotax) 2in
This primary hybrid is an upright Dracula or "monkey-faced orchid" native to mountainous South America. It produces single blooms from the top of the plant that have a triangular shape with long points. Name translates to "unequaled Dracula" which refers to the large sepals. This is a high humidity, cool-intermediate growing orchid. Can be challenging for home conditions. Slightly more forgiving than either parent species. Miniature plant well suited for terrariums.
Blooming size. Plant pictured is an example showing off the blooms and potential.
Potting mix: Long fiber sphagnum. Net pot recommended. These can be sensitive to repotting so it's better to let them get big before dividing.
Light: Low-medium light. Shade is your friend. North or east, no direct evening light. These do well in terrariums.
Water: Keep evenly moist and do not allow to get fully dry. This is a species that is more tolerant of drying out than others.
Temp: Cool-intermediate (50F min night, 80F absolute max day).
Humidity: 60-80%, requires high humidity.
Fertilizing: 1/4 strength urea-free fertilizer, every other watering as new roots and leaves emerge. Stop all fertilizing in winter. General rule: begin in Spring, stop in late Fall.
Photo credit: Seattle Orchid