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Calanthe Cooksoniae 3in

Regular price $35.00 USD
Regular price $40.00 USD Sale price $35.00 USD
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Also known as Gastrophius, Calanthe Cooksoniae is a primary hybrid between tankervillaea x humboltii. Produces large spikes of up to 20 flowers that will be orange and pink. Enjoys bright indirect light and light feeding Spring-Fall. Will drop leaves in the winter and go dormant - do not fertilize during this time and water sparingly when bulbs appear shriveled. Blooms emerge in late Winter. Terrestrial orchid! Care for like a Phaius. Will not tolerate long periods of drought during the growing season. 

Young blooming sized plant but will not arrive in spike or bloom unless mentioned.



Potting mix: Fine orchid bark or well-draining soil/bark mix. Repot in Spring once root bound.

Light: Bright indirect medium light. Shade is your friend. Protect from strong sun.  

Water: Water frequently in hot months when media reaches dry. Keep the bulbs plump. Decrease in the cold months and allow to dry out slightly between waterings.  

Temp: Intermediate (55F min night, 80F max day). Protect from extreme heat and water well through summer. 

Humidity: 40-70%, tolerant of low humidity with adequate watering, however spider mites may appear in less humid conditions (and if allowed to dry too much). 

Fertilizing: 1/2-1/4 strength urea-free fertilizer, every other watering as new roots and leaves emerge. Do not fertilize in the off season. General rule: begin in Spring, stop in Fall.

Photo credit: Uploaded by hawkarica - Orchid (Phaiocalanthe Kryptonite 'Parkside') -

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