Ancistrochilus rothschildianus 'Grande' 3in
A semi-terrestrial orchid from Africa, namely Uganda, that stays on the medium-small side. It produces fairly large fragrant flowers with a light pink tint. Prefers high humidity. Probably pretty similar to Zygopetalum conditions (medium light, good watering) with more humidity.
Picture is of a similar cultivar. Blooming size plant but will not arrive in bloom.
Potting mix: Fine bark, grown in a shallow pot.
Light: Medium-low. Prefers bright North. Will tolerate South or West if given enough shade, water, and humidity.
Water: Water frequently in hot months when media reaches dry. Semi-terrestrial means consistent watering! Decrease in Winter to allow for dormancy. Water only when fully dry, less is more.
Temp: Intermediate - Warm (60F min night, 90F max day).
Humidity: 60-85%, will produce wrinkled leaves if humidity or watering is too low.
Fertilizing: 1/4-1/2 strength urea-free fertilizer, every other watering as new roots and leaves emerge. Do not fertilize during winter rest period after flowering until new growth is observed in spring.
Photo credit: By Naoki Takebayashi - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,